Wednesday 17 February 2016

Food Facts

Food Facts

Food Facts
Several studies have suggested that the best benefits of vitamins and minerals come when they’re taken from food rather than at a supplement. Here is how you can get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals:
Food Sources
Vitamin A
Meat, dairy products
Beta Carotene
Green leafy vegetables; yellow and orange
fruit and vegetables (carrot,
papaya, pumpkin)
Cereal Vegetables
Meat, beans, peanuts, leafy greens
Meat, pulses, wheat
Liver, meat, eggs
Folic Acid
Fermented foods containing yeast
(bread, idly, etc); fruit; leafy vegetables
Pantothenic acid
Liver, yeast, egg yolk, milk, soya
Egg, peanuts, cheese, chicken
Vitamin C
Citrus fruit, potatoes, green vegetables
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Almonds, vegetable oils, cereals, leafy greens
Good Sources
Dairy products, bony fish, leafy greens
Supplied by normal eating
Iodised salt
Fruits, vegetables, pulses and whole grains
Seeds, e.g. til (sesame)
Cereals, pulses and legumes, leafy greens
Copper, Selenium
and Chromium
Most people get these enough from their diet


Artificial gravity (AG) is not gravity at all. It is not a field force or a ‘‘force at a
distance.’’ Neither does its strength obey the inverse square law of attraction that
determines the orbital motion of planets. However, in terms of its action on any
mass, it is indistinguishable from ‘‘real gravity.’’ Instead of gravitational pull, it
exerts a centrifugal force, proportional to the mass that is being accelerated
centripetally in a rotating device. Although the effect of AG on an extended body
differs from that of true gravity, the effects on any given mass are equivalent.
Thus AG is simply the imposition of acceleration on a body to recover the forces
that are eliminated by the free fall of orbital flight. (Of course, real gravity is not
eliminated in orbit. The pull toward Earth in Earth orbit and toward the Sun in
interplanetary orbit is balanced by the ‘‘free fall’’ acceleration of the spacecraft
and its contents toward Earth or the Sun. To an observer or instrument onboard
the spacecraft, it feels as though the pull of gravity were removed.)
Provision of AG
In principle, AG could be provided by various means. A continuously thrusting
rocket that accelerated a spacecraft halfway to Mars would generate AG equal to
the acceleration level. Intermittent impulsive AG would be imposed on an astronaut
who jumps back and forth between two opposing trampolines or even
between two stationary walls in a spacecraft. However, the term artificial gravity
is generally reserved for a rotating spacecraft or a centrifuge within the spacecraft.
Every stationary object within the centrifuge is forced away from the axis
of rotation toward the outer ‘‘floor’’ by a force proportional to the mass of the
object, its distance from the center of rotation, and the square of the angular
velocity of the device.
Why AG May Be Necessary
Probably the most serious health threat to humans during interplanetary flight
comes from radiation exposure en route and on some extraterrestrial surface.
Beyond that, prolonged exposure to weightlessness itself can result in deconditioning
many of the body’s systems. For space voyages of several years, such as
those envisioned for exploration of Mars, the human requires some sort of
‘‘countermeasure’’ to reduce or eliminate this deconditioning. Intensive and sustained
exercise on a treadmill, bicycle, or rowing machine was used on the U.S.
and Russian spacecraft to minimize the problems of weightlessness. The procedure
is uncomfortable and excessively time-consuming for most astronauts.
Furthermore, its effectiveness is not proven for all users. Other kinds of countermeasures,
including diet, fluid loading before reentry, lower body negative
pressure, or wearing a ‘‘penguin suit’’ to force joint extension against a resistive
force are either marginally effective or present an inconvenience or hazard.
The physiological effects of weightlessness are generally adaptive to
space flight and present a hazard only upon return to Earth or landing on another
planet (1). However, they may present hazards in flight in the event of a
bone fracture, a vigorous muscle contraction, or alterations in the heart’s
Aside from the severe danger of space radiation, the principal physiological
risk of long flight is deterioration of the skeleton. Bones are living tissue, constantly
being strengthened by calcium extracted from the blood and destroyed by
returning calcium to the blood. Bone maintenance requires a compressive load
along the axis of the bone and some high-force impulsive loading. In the absence
of these loads that are normally provided by gravity and walking, the major
bones that support body weight begin to deteriorate, and a net loss of body
calcium occurs, independent of the amount taken in with food or supplements.
The long bones in the legs and the vertebrae in the spine lose crucial size and
strength during prolonged bed rest. Similarly, they lose strength in spaceflight.
Calcium is lost at a rate of about 1/2% per month, and the losses are reflected in
the density and size of weight-bearing bones. For a spaceflight of two years, a
25% decrease in bone size might occur (unless the process reaches a plateau),
thus increasing the risk of fracture and severely hampering the bone’s ability
to mend.
Muscles involved in weight bearing, as well as bones, begin to weaken with
disuse in weightlessness. The major muscle groups in the legs and back that
normally support weight lose mass and are also ‘‘reprogrammed,’’ so that fibers
previously devoted to slow steady tension are used for brief bursts instead. The
shifting of fluid from the legs and lower trunk to the head and chest that produces
the first symptoms of head-fullness discomfort on orbit initiates an early
loss of body fluid, including blood plasma. The relative excess of red blood cells is
countered by stopping their production in the bone marrow and additionally by
destroying young red blood cells. The cardiovascular regulating system that acts
to maintain adequate blood pressure when we stand up, is no longer needed in
space and shows signs of deterioration. Neither the fluid loss and resulting
‘‘space anemia,’’ nor the loss of cardiovascular regulation and tone normally
cause any difficulty in orbit. During reentry and back on Earth, however, the
renewed exposure to gravity can cause weakness and fainting.
The balance system that keeps humans from falling depends on the detection
of gravity by the otolith organs in the inner ear. Because the only stimulus to
the organs in weightlessness is linear acceleration, considerable reinterpretation
of vestibular signals takes place. A consequence of this process is the common
occurrence of space sickness early in flight and postural disturbances and vertigo
after return.
The immune system that fights infection may also be compromised by
space flight, although it is unclear whether weightlessness alone is the major
In addition, a variety of human factor problems arise in weightlessness,
including the constant need for handholds or footholds for stabilization and the
possibility of disorientation within a spacecraft. However, these problems are
often balanced by the ease of moving heavy objects, the use of three-dimensional
space, and the shear pleasure of floating in weightlessness.
The notion of creating a substitute for gravity through centrifugation was introduced
early in the conception of human space travel. Tsiolkovsky, the influential
Russian space visionary, discussed the idea in 1911, and his concepts were
picked up 50 years later by Korolev, who designed a flexible tether system for the
Voskhod manned missions . It was, however, never built. A detailed engineering
proposal for an AG station was introduced by Noodhung in 1927, a full 50
years before the first satellite was launched. When Von Braun described his
vision of space exploration in 1953, he included a large rotating torus to deal with
weightlessness .
The popularization of AG, however, is attributable to the science fiction
community. The large rotating torus in Clarke and Kubrick’s 2001: A Space
Odyssey presented an idealized version of life in space, free of health problems
and the negative effects usually associated with transiting from the rotating to
the stationary parts of the station. By 1965, preliminary tests on a short-radius
centrifuge first showed that subjects who were deconditioned by bed rest could be
protected against cardiovascular deconditioning by periodic centrifugation .
Experience with AG in space has been quite limited. Rats were centrifuged
continuously at 1 g for several days and showed no deconditioning. Human experiments,
however, have not been conducted to date. Early attempts to test AG
by tethering a Gemini spacecraft to an Agena rocket were inconclusive and
nearly led to disaster when the thruster nozzle stuck on Gemini 8, sending the
pair of space vehicles into an uncontrollable spin. The 2.5-m-radius centrifuge on
the International Space Station should afford the opportunity to examine the
adequacy of various levels of AG in protecting rodents during spaceflight.

Aconcagua Mountain

Aconcagua Mountain
ACONCAGUA MOUNTAIN LIES west of Mendoza, argentina, entirely within Argentina, and immediately east of Argentina’s border with chile. The mountain is, at 22,834 ft (6,960 m), not only the tallest mountain in the Western Hemisphere, but also the highest outside of Asia. Its twin peaks, the northern of which is the tallest, can be seen from the coast of Chile 100 mi (162 km) away.
There are different interpretations of the origin of the name Aconcagua. It may be derived from the native Quechua akun (“summit”), ka (“other”), and agua (“admired” or “feared”). Thus, it is translated from Quechua as a summit that is feared or admired. Another version is that the name is derived from Arauca roots. Thus, Aconca-Hue is a Mapuche name for the corresponding Aconcagua River that, from Chile, “comes from the other side.” The relatively new mountain was created by subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate. Geology of the Aconcagua area can be grouped in three basic time periods: a base that developed before the Jurassic period, Mesozoic sequences, and coverings from the Cenozoic period. Glaciers on Aconcagua include Lower Horcones Glacier, the Upper Horcones Glacier, the Los Polacos (or Los Relinchos) Glacier (a climbing route), and the Güssfeldt Glacier. Glaciers on Mount Aconcagua are, owing to more arid conditions, less pronounced than those to the south in Patagonia.
Most of the vegetation and wildlife, because of the aridity and the short growing season at high elevations, are concentrated below 13,123 ft (4,000 m). Typical vegetation is low-growing brush (steppe) adapted to low temperatures, thin soils, and high winds. Brush species include lena amarilla, vareta, and cuerno de cabra, with grass species including huecu and coirones.
Wildlife such as the condor, mora eagle, puma, and red fox migrate to lower elevations during winter. Mountain mice hibernate on site. Streams harbor chorlos, churrines, and torrent ducks. Guanacos (similar to llamas) can gather in large groups. Hares introduced from Europe are plentiful. Aconcagua Mountain is a provincial park. It was included in 1983 as part of a network of 10 protected areas of the province of Mendoza. It is designated as a Protected Wilderness Area, based on its scenic, recreational, cultural, genetic, and biodiversity values. These areas serve as a reference in relation to similar yet degraded habitats. General Don José de San Martín crossed the Andes near Aconcagua to liberate the Chilean area from the Spanish in 1817. His army of more than 5,300 men, 9,280 mules, and 1,600 horses crossed at more than 13,123 ft (4,000 m) in elevation. In 1835, Charles Darwin
was one of the first European scientists to collect data about the mountain. In January 1985, a remarkable discovery was made by Argentine climbers—an Inca cemetery at 17,388 ft (5,300 m) in elevation. The site included circular stone walls, a mummy, and six statues—three human and three llama figures. Although the mountain is a large, singular massif, thus nicknamed the “Centinel del Piedra” (Stone Sentinel), various peaks around Aconcagua also surpass 16,404 ft (5,000 m).

Tuesday 9 February 2016

CULTIVATOR with 3D model (studying about cultivator)

The task of the cultivators is to deeper pulverize and partly to crush the tilled and musty soilbeds. Cultivators can be used for scarifying stubble before sowing aftercrops, for destroying turf on the land to facilitate sinking of the plow during tillage, for mixing fertilizers with soil and other work connected with preparation of soil for sowing.
Horse-drawn or Bullock-Drawn and semimounted tractor cultivators are fitted with frames which rest on wheels (for transport and for depth control), Wheels in mounted cultivators serve only, for working-depth control. The ground-working parts of a cultivator are teeth spring, semirigid or rigid; their ends constitute: shovels, sweeps or knives spaced in two or three rows on the frame.
Bullock Drawn Cultivator

Bullock drawn cultivators: most of bullock drawn cultivators are provided with 3 tynes, a single handle or double handle, two support wheels and cultivator teeth (reversible or irreversible). Depth can be adjusted with the help of wheels, so that bullock can drag the cultivator through soil on their capability. Draft requirement is the most important factor in bullock drawn cultivators, for that we need to adjust depth reduce weight increase or decrease angle of pull. 

Tractor drawn cultivator 

In tractor drawn cultivator hitching system is provided for mounting cultivator on tractor. 

Saturday 6 February 2016

Study of Chaff Cutter with 3D model and Drawings.

Chaff Cutter 3D Model
Chaff is hay cut into small pieces for feeding to livestock (Mohan D and Kumar A, 2004); it is a good fodder, and at its best is cleanly and evenly cut, free of dust, of good colour and with a fresh aroma. Chaff can be purchased from commercial chaff cutting mills.
 Cutting chaff can be done by manually operated machine and electric operated one, As far as cutting by manually operated machine is concerned. Traditionally for the operator it is done manually which is physically demanding through it energy and postural requirements and is commonly regarded as source of drudgery, many farmers associated with this task reported back, shoulder and wrist discomfort. It may also cause clinical or anatomical disorders and may affect worker's health.
Types of chaff cutter:
1. Chute-Fed Chaff Cutter - A chaff cutter in which the feeding of the fodder crop is done through a chute.
2. Conveyor Fed Chaff Cutter - A chaff cutter in which the feeding of the fodder crop is done through a conveyor.
3. Let-Fall Type - A chaff cutter in which the cut fodder is dropped down to the bottom of the chaff cutter.
4. Throw Away Type - A chaff cutter in which the cut fodder is thrown away to the front ward of the chaff cutter.
5. Blow-Up Type - A chaff cutter in which the cut fodder is blown up through the blow-up pipe.
6. Fly Wheel Type - A chaff cutter rotating fly wheel with blades.
7. Cylinder Type - A chaff cutter the cutting mechanism which consists of a rotating cutting cylinder.

Types on the basis of cutting mechanism:
 a) Fly wheel type, and b) CyIinder type.
On the basis of cut-chaff dropping position, the chaff cutter shall be of following types:
a) Let-fall type, b) Throw-away type, and c) Blow-up type.
On the basis of feeding system, the chaff cutter shall be of following types:
a) Chute-fed  and b) Conveyor-fed.

Chaff Cutter 3D Model With 1 HP Electric Motor.

Chaff Cutter 3D Model With 3 HP motor
Components of Chaff Cutter:
1. Flywheel
The flywheel is made of cast iron or Steel For mounting blades and storing energy for cutting the chaff during operation. The flywheel should be heavy and balanced for cutting of chaff with efficiency. A flywheel of 900 mm to 1350 mm diameter shall be provided. The flywheel shall have two arms. Each arm shall be provided with one square hole for fixing the handle; three holes for fixing the blade and six tapped holes for fixing the bolts for blade setting adjustment. At the centre of the flywheel, a circular hole shall be provided for connecting it to the main shaft. A hole of 10 mm diameter shall be made in the rim of the flywheel parallel to the direction of the hub hole. The weight of the flywheel shall not be less than 24 kg.
Chaff cutter shall be provided with a linchpin with the chain to lock the chaff cutter flywheel when it is not required to be operated. This shall be fixed on the flywheel main gear shaft at the end so as to restrict the movement of the system. This is especially needed to lock the movement of the chaff cutter blades in order to avoid injuries due to accidental rotation when chaff cutter is not in use. The linchpin shall be fastett%dto the body of chaff cutter with the help of the chain. A bolt shall also be fitted in both the holes (hole of leg and hole of flywheel rim) and tightened with a nut.
2. Feed Roller: Feed rollers are provided for dragging crop inside the cutting housing for preventing hazards to the human being. A guard should be provided on the rollers and cutting housing for avoiding accidents during feeding the crop.

1. Stand
11. Chain cover
2. Hear housing
12. Hopper/Chute
3. Power source (3 Hp Motor)
13. Gear 18 teeth
4. Blade
14. Transmission system cover
5. Flywheel pulley cover
15. Roller
6. Flywheel pulley
16. Motor pulley
7. Flywheel cover handle
17. Belt
8. Flywheel
18. Gear, 33 teeth
9. Reverse/Forward Lever
19. Gear, 49 teeth
10. Chain
20. Gear, 7 teeth

Chaff cutter Vertical Model 3D view

Chaff Cutter Isometric View With All components

3. Feeding Trough :- A rectangular or trapezoidal trough shall be attached on the rear side of the shear plate. The trough shall be detachable Provision for changing the angle of placement of trough shall be provided. At the rear side of the trough a support should be provided. The total length of the trough shall be minimum of  900 mm.

4. Front Safety Guard A front safety guard shall be tightly fitted on each knife blade of the chaff cutter. It shall be made of mild steel rod which shall be given a curvature as of chaff cutter blade and have two holes attwo ends for fitrnent in the chaff cutter with the blade mounting bolts (see Fig. 5). This device stands a little away from the blades and prevents injuries to the limbs as it pushes the limbs away and acts as a warning signal before the blades hit the limb.

5.  Cover Plates:-  Two sides and one top cover plates shall be provided to protect the feed-rolls as well as for proper mounting of the worm and worm gears. Both the side plates shall be attached to a tie rod. The rod shall be of minimum ’225 mm in length with both the ends threaded. The top cover plate shall have 11 full teeth.

6. Shear Plate:-  A rectangular plate with top open, shall be attached at the front of the feed rolls. The width and height of the plate  when measured internally shall be minimum 207 mm and 105 mm respectively. The shear plate shall have 12 fill teeth.

Shear Plate

7. Stand :- Stand shall consist of four legs, leg supports and one finger in each leg. The leg shall be made of angle section of minimum 50 mm x 50 mm x 2 mm size. The leg support may be detachable or riveted with the leg. The fingers may be a separate component attached to the leg or maybe made by taking out at the bottom of each leg. The total height, length and width of the stand  shall be minimum of 750 mm, 600 mm and 550 mm respectively. In one of the legs a hole of 10 mm shall be provided at a point coinciding with the hole made in the rim of the fly wheel.

8. Worm Gears There shall be two gears; one located at upper side and other at the lower side of the worm. The outer diameter of the gears shall be 125 mm or 133 mm and there shall be 15 teeth in each gear. At the option of the purchaser the gears may have 11 or 13 teeth. The gear shall be attached with axles by hexagonal bolts.

9. Blades: 

Friday 5 February 2016

A bullock cart or ox cart with 3D Model

Animal drawn carts, especially bullock carts, are the oldest mode of transportation, existing in India and in few other countries since the past unknown. About 15 million bullock carts exist in India. Statistic shows that number of bullock carts has not reduced in last 30 years, belying the popular concept that bullock carts will disappear with the development of society. Reasons are many. The fact is that still in India, bullock carts are the most important mode of transportation in many parts of rural India. Unfortunately, the technology of the carts has not been improved. The conventional bullock carts are made of wooden wheels and bamboo / wooden load carrier (known as platform). More than 80% bullock carts are of conventional type. Only a few number of carts has been partially converted to metallic (which can not be termed as ‘improved’). As this mode of transportation will exist in India, there is need for the improvement of the technology. 

bullock cart or ox cart is a two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen (draught cattle). It is a means of transportation used since ancient times in many parts of the world. They are still used today where modern vehicles are too expensive or the infrastructure does not favor them.
Used especially for carrying goods, the bullock cart is pulled by one or several oxen (bullocks). The cart (also known as a jinker) is attached to a bullock team by a special chain attached to yokes, but a rope may also be used for one or two animals. The driver and any other passengers sit on the front of the cart, while load is placed in the back. Traditionally the cargo was usually agrarian goods andlumber. is a two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen (draught cattle). It is a means of transportation used since ancient times in many parts of the world. They are still used today where modern vehicles are too expensive or the infrastructure does not favor them.
Used especially for carrying goods, the bullock cart is pulled by one or several oxen (bullocks). The cart (also known as a jinker) is attached to a bullock team by a special chain attached to yokes, but a rope may also be used for one or two animals. The driver and any other passengers sit on the front of the cart, while load is placed in the back. Traditionally the cargo was usually agrarian goods and lumber.


The automatic dibbler is manually operated hand tool which consists of a seed hopper, cell type roller for metering of seeds, spring actuated jaws for penetration in the soil, pipe and handle .All the parts are made from mild steel except seed roller, which is fabricated from good quality wood. For its operation, the dibbler is held in both hands and jaws are pushed into the soil to the desired depth at an angle of 20 degrees with vertical. The dibbler is given a jerk at the handle in the forward direction, which rotates the roller in seed hopper and releases one or two seeds depending upon the size of cell. At this moment the jaws also open and allow the seed to fall in the cavity created by the jaws. The dibbler is raised and moved to the next position of sowing. Upon raising of the dibbler the roller returns to original position and jaws also close.

Bucket Elevator

Bucket Elevator is mostly used for filling grains and seed into sacks or large containers with the help of buckets. It consists of buckets, belts, pulleys, casing and power source. Picture showing the bucket elevator is of capacity 1200-1400 kg/hr. It has the power source of 1 HP motor two pulleys for power transmission. Another two pullies for the belt on which buckets are mounted.
 Gravity Take-Up Eases overall use of your bucket elevator. Maintains proper belt tension, and reduces maintenance.
Winged Pulley A Winged Pulley is a great option if you are concerned about material collecting on the pulley face.
n Spiral Winged Pulley Increased pulley-to-belt contact over winged pulley. Eliminates noise caused by winged pulleys.